Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What's On My Mind Now

Yes what is on my mind now?

I guess the biggest one would be about my internship. Yea yea yea internship blabbering again BUT IT'S FREAKING SCARY !!! For me that is~ I went for an interview a couple weeks ago. It's under UCSI so i thought, 'Oh goodie I don't have to go all the way to Damansara again'. The office a.k.a a bungalow house turn office, was cool but the atmosphere there was dead. And guess what? The lady that interviewed me was a pregnant Indian woman AGAIN. I'm not racist ok! I'm just reminding you that last year my Protemp manager was also a pregnant Indian woman. Are all my bosses gonna be pregnant Indian women? She seemed nicer and warmer than my Protemp manager though. I was falling apart allover the place before the interview. I even resorted to dragging my friends to the office to accompany me. That's how scared i get when i go for interviews. I don't think i got the job anyways because my internship is suppose to start in November and not September.

Next up my mind is about my media law. I kinda miss the class, and the lecturer. 
Yes....i miss my media law lecturer.......
One, there is no other lecturer in UCSI like her.
Two, there is absolutely no lecturer in UCSI like her.

Besides the hectic schedule she has for us, the tough reviews, deep critical thinking sessions, and scary eye piercing stare, she's a really nice person. The one very unexpected event was me getting full marks for my weekly journal. The weekly journal was one of the most hardest request she had the whole class do. Half of the class felt like crying when we were doing the weekly journal thing. We had to remember what she taught about in class, relate it with our life experiences, do critical thinking and other stuffs and answer some really shitty tough questions. It may sound easy in here but YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT I (WE) WENT THROUGH !!! Especially when she found out about the Facebook group page we created to help each other out~ She was pisssssssssed~ Anyways I crapped from the beginning till the end of the journal. I gave my honest opinion to answer her questions and i think that's what got me my full 30/30 marks. And a lot of humor and maybe a little sucking up at the end ^^ Just a little.

Thirdly on my mind is i have exactly ONE year left in UCSI and i'm damn sad about it. Lately i keep getting comments about me having the potential to be a writer. I know i can write good stuffs. Not very good but good stuffs. I found a company looking for writers/interns. The problem is i don't have the confidence to go for it. I'm scared i'm not good enough. I'm scared i won't fit in. I'm scared of a lot of things. 

I don't wanna drag this post any longer so lastly on my mind is holiday. My university life is super lifeless. Apart from the outings we have, shopping, eating, yumcha-ing, celebrating birthdays and getting lost around KL. We're pretty much boring as hell. 3 and a half years and we've NEVER had a proper vacation together.
 It's freaking sad to see pictures of our other friends on Facebook going 'Heehee HaaHaa' at Singapore, Taiwan, Penang, Malacca, whatever Beach/Island/Jungle and we're here 'Yorrr so nice', 'How was your holiday? Oh i was KL......didn't go anywhere......'
IT'S SAD !!!

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