Saturday, March 10, 2012

Forever Negative

I have people calling me a happy-go-lucky person who does nothing but good fortune keeps coming to me... Really? Are you sure??

Well I have actually thought of myself as a happy-go-lucky person but sometimes when i think deeply enough, I'm just a fake happy-go-luckier. Good fortune doesn't come to me and if it did then i wouldn't have to be miserable at times. 

Just a few days ago my friends and i were at Starbucks 'yumcha-ing' and the topic about future us came up. I never really liked that topic because it gets me worried about what would happen next. Will i find a job after i graduate? Will i get along with my co-workers? Will i get scolded for a mistake? Will i get fired? Will i have to keep depending on my parents when all my other friends are making their own thousands every month?


If i had a wish to change something about myself it would be to get rid my all my negativism