Saturday, September 29, 2012

Hotel Transylvania

Now some of you might be thinking, "Oh just another Hollywood flick made to fill the pockets of the already rich and famous actors and producers of Hollywood." Well just be thankful they're not remaking our old childhood cartoons like what they're doing to Robocop, Total Recall, Fright Night, Highlander, and i even heard about Jumanji might be getting a makeover! Talk about loosing anymore originality.

Back to the topic at hand, Hotel Transylvania tells the story of Dracula/Drac (voiced by Adam Sandler) who builds a lavish hotel hidden deep inside the forest that welcomes all monsters from 'Frankenstein' to werewolves to be themselves without the need to hide and the main purpose of protecting his daughter, Mavis (voiced by Selena Gomez) from the dangers of the human world.

Everything that Drac believed about humans for hundreds of years were turned upside down when a human named Jonathan (voiced by Andy Samberg) accidentally stumbled into his hotel one night and 'zinged' with his daughter, Mavis. And by 'zing' i mean exactly like 'imprint' in Twilight because a person can only zing once and can never zing with another person again.

And just like in every animated flick you'd expect the typical storyline of comedy to romance leading to conflict and ending with a happily ever after song, well then you've nailed the whole story because what would you expect from a cartoon?? You can't expect there to be a cliffhanger and wait 3 years for Hotel Transylvania 2 right?

Overall this animated flick appeals to all ages and would leave you rolling all over the cinema floor with their catchy monster humor and 'aww-ing' at the growing relationship between father and daughter. It even reveals some real life entities like the song "I'm Sexy and I Know it" by LMFAO and a super short scene of Twilight.

If you've got a soft spot for overwhelmingly cute stuffs then you shouldn't miss this because even i who absolutely despise Hello Kitty went "Awww...." and squealed at the sight of Bat-Mavis (close-up).

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Stress Reliever

Its been so long since i visited my own blog that I feel like a stranger here ^^

Well long story short, I'm unofficially a university graduate until i finish my final co-op at some scary company filled with scary looking employer and employees willing to hire this naive-low-esteem-soon-to-be-23-years-of-age.........*I'm not comfortable calling myself a woman yet. Is that weird?*

Here i am, sitting in the same room in the same house in the same 'taman' for the past 17 soon to be 18 years  and it hasn't struck me that I shouldn't be asking for my allowance anymore. Damn i just made myself sound pathetic didn't i?

Things just aren't going the way i thought it would.

Lately i find comfort by going to karaoke boxes with my friends to scream our lungs out without having people to stare at us. If you have the right friends with you then you'll have a lot of fun in there. And its a great stress reliever because you can let lose of all you pent up stress from everything else. Earlier this month i went for an interview for my co-op. It went so badly that i was literally depressed for the whole day. But GreenBox cured me for the next few hours.

The best songs to sing during times like this are depressing songs to match your mood so that it'll counter each other and end up positive. Negative + Negative = Positive right?

It works wonders for me.