Wednesday, May 4, 2011

What If

What if I were to be a billionaire
No no i not talking about Jason Derulo's 'What If'
Or Travie McCoy ft. Bruno Mars's 'I Wanna be a Billionaire'
I don't wanna meet Oprah either

I used to always imagine what it would be like to be filthy - and i mean filthy - rich
What if all of a sudden 11.8 billion dollars were to just drop on me? 
Reality check 1 - I'd be crushed to death
Reality check 2 - Dream on

But What If !
The number 11.8 randomly popped into my head
I added the 'billion' to make it more attracting
Damn I'd be richer than Brangelina !

Brand new bucket list for the billionaire dreamer:
1. Move out of Malaysia
2. Travel Europe & Asia
3. Hire Jamie Oliver to be my personal chef
4. Build resort, not like the fancy glamorous one in Dubai
5. Invest my 11.8 billion and fatten it up even more

I can keep on going with even more extravagant, outrageous, ridiculous dreams
But of course I'd like to keep it a secret if i really had 11.8 billion
Or at least down size the actual amount - 11.8 thousand ! 
What's the use of being rich if everyone's gonna be hounding you and you can't even leave your house?
Or get robbed - by the Ocean's 13 - Brad Pitt - Eww he's growing his beard back.

Damn it'd be so COOL !!!
Just so you know, this is one of the topics i like to day dream about when i'm bored out of my skull in classes.
Like today for instance, the 1st day,1st class of the new semester and my lecturer had already started to dump loads of crap at us.


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