Saturday, April 30, 2011

Introducing Rascal & Princess Lee

These two not-so-innocent looking puppies are part of the reason why i haven't been blogging much lately. My aunt's dog gave birth to four little puppies in February 22, 2011. Two males & two females and they're a mix breed of Terrier, Spitz & Poodle. 
My brother and i dog-napped two of them a couple weeks ago and the other two are still waiting to be adopted. My aunt's asking around because the pups are starting to get attached to each other so it'll be sad to split them apart later on. 

Anyone interested in adopting a puppy can leave me a message.
They're from PJ SS3 near Sunway Pyramid. 

Meet Rascal Lee
This was Rascal two weeks ago.
Cute right? He wouldn't stop whining in the mini van so my brother insisted that we take another puppy so that he wouldn't be so lonely.
This is Rascal now.
He eats a lot and only knows how to sit when i raise my hand over his head or when he sees food coming. He's mischievous. We let him into the house a few times then started to train him to stay outside. But once in awhile he'll jump into the hall and sits at the edge to test and see if my mum will chase him out. Or he lays his head on the step and slowly puts one paw in and slowly the other paw in and finally his whole body in. 

Rascal's a scaredy-cat.
The first one to go running for his furry life.
He can be a bully too when it comes to food.

Meet Princess Lee
I couldn't snap any pictures of Princess when she first got here.
One because she was shy
Two Rascal kept headbutting in

It was mind scattering to find the right name for Princess at first.
My mum came up with OMG almost a dozen names...Lexie, Maxie, Coco, Minnie, Fifi....etc
All just didn't fit with her and then we notice how elegantly she behaves and decided to name her Princess.

Princess seems to be the shy and quiet one at first but once she and Rascal is alone at night playing by themselves, she becomes a loud mouth yapping/growling little pup. Yes she growls when she plays with Rascal. Sometimes in a scary way~ Princess won't drink much water unless it's scoop to her mouth, she eats slowly and stops when Rascal's head gets in the way, she won't come into the house at first unless Rascal goes in first, she has a funny way to catch things: she raises her paws high up and catch. She ALWAYS dips her paws into her water bowl.

Rascal's bigger than Princess
Princess is smarter than Rascal
Rascal eats faster and hogs all the food
Princess knows how to avoid getting whacked in the ass
Rascal gets jealous and gets in Princess's way every time
Princess is lighter so she gets to be carried all the time
And they both pee & poop everywhere

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