Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Baby Kimi Lee

Happy Happy Happy~
Why ?
Because recent most favorite baby cousin is gonna be around more often !!
KiMi is the Babe !!!

Momma ?Wha'cha lookin' at?Ooo shiny~Uh Oh !!
Youngest cousin number 18 in the family.
The good thing about being the youngest is that he'll be getting spoiled by all the rest of the older cousins and relatives. The not so good part is that he won't have many playmates to play with when everyone gathers for any celebrations.

FYI, KiMi is a boy, not a girl.

I feel really bad for lil' KiMi because i had my...err...15 other cousins and two brothers to play with during my toddler/childhood years. We would play all those Pepsi Cola, Hide&Seek, Chasing games and have sleep-overs where few of us share one bed and talk under the blanket. Borrow each other cartoons or go to the carnival together to play. Run around chasing each other with fire-crackers during Chinese New Year.

My cousins and i have all of these memories but KiMi might not. It's just sad you know. He's gonna be all alone...Well i don't know about his mum's side of the family...KiMi's gonna be so spoiled by us~

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