Monday, April 18, 2011

Royal Canin Pet Exhibition 2011

Sorry for being MIA here for awhile.
I finally finished my Mass Comm Research assignment paper last Friday.
~Damn happy it's over~
Then i gave myself a break and went out with my friends for the past whole week - which is why i'm damn broke when it's only middle of April. Gotta eat budget food next semester.

Then on 17th April - today, my friend said there's a pet exhibition at The Mines and asked whether i wanted to go. The lazy me wanted to just sleep at home and relax and not spend anymore money because i still have a birthday party to attend which will take place in Taos - a very expensive buffet restaurant in Damansara & another possible buffet in Jogoya - save up $$. Then the curious me wanted to go check it out since i've never seen a pet exhibition before. A wise choice was made and i was glad lazy me didn't take over.

We saw a lot of dog at The Mines that we don't usually get to see.
Picture tells a thousand words...check them out:

 These handsome pups/dogs are pure Alaskan Malamute breed - i think.
I've never seen this breed in real life before and today i did and PATTED one !!
Their fur is so thick and soft - like cotton !!
 At 14 months old they can grow to as big as a full grown German Shepperd and still keep GROWING !!

Royal Canin was the main organizer for this Pet Exhibition event.
They had a pet fashion show.
Some pets looked more stylish than their owners~

 But overall the Alaskan Malamutes were the best dogs i've ever seen.

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