Tuesday, November 24, 2009

How i spent my day

Today was not so boring.
My dad brought back our new 2nd hand car...
(==" we've never had a brand new car before)
A 1996 Nissan A.D. Resort...
The condition of it's kinda good for a 13 soon to be 14 year old car.

That's why foreign cars are the best !!!
See the 'P' cars !! Useless junk !!!
Brand new cars already giving problems !!!
JUNK !!!

So again i was too lazy to wake up when i mum said they were going to get the car. It was 10am i think...slept slept slept until 12.30pm then 1pm went to eat breakfast/lunch.

Went to CF's house around 2.30pm.
Then we went to Tasik Selatan station to go to KL Central to buy our bus tickets to Genting.
Yes im going to Genting again..
I know~ I know~ Why again~
Well this time im going with a different group of friends.
Lol after knowing each other for so many years...
This will be our first trip together...
I think the longest friend i had with this group is with KY because i remembered both of us were assigned to cleaning our class windows during std 2 and then during std 3 i met PF and the other 4 we met in high school.

Ok back to topic,
So CF parked her car under the sizzling hot steamy sun and we sat the KTM there
We weren't sure of the road there !!!
ok ok so we reached there and went down to the Genting counter...
A guy said the computer there was down so had to go back up to the other counter which was at the total opposite side of the building at a corner so quiet you would think it's not there...

Bought the ticket.
Went back to Connaught.
Bought char siu pao.
Went to CF's house.

Went online for awhile and told her some updates on some of our friends.
Her sister was beside us the whole time.
Then about 6 like that CF went to cook dinner cuz her mum and dad weren't in.
We got frightened by the splashing and popping from the oil after CF threw the fish in to fry. We stood about 5 feet away from the stove for safety.

Then talk talk talk talk talk until 7 something then bye bye.
And now im at home telling whoever is reading this.
This is what i did for the whole day today.

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