Monday, November 7, 2011

Is Malaysia Seriously One of the Most Safest Country? Doubtly

Do you know what rank Malaysia is in the world's safest country list?

19th !! According to NST paper as of July 22nd 2011

Did you know that the world's more safest country is New Zealand?

I kinda knew that because when i picture New Zealand i picture high mountains, i picture acres of green fields across the land with brown picket fences separating them, farmers sitting on their big red truck carrying hay behind them and black, white and brown cows on the other side of the fence eating their super greenie healthy grass before getting butchered for steaks~

Yes New Zealand is the ideal country to live in without the fear of getting your car window smashed in to rob you while waiting for the traffic light. You don't have to fear people robbing you with a machete (parang) when you reach home to open you house gate. You don't have to fear getting your face splashed with acid by crazy people on their motorcycle when you're just minding your own damn business walking on the sidewalk !!!



I say this because i think Malaysia has gotten worse at being the one of the safest country in this screwed up freaking world. We have robbers wielding machete knifes at people and they actually attack by trying to chop or slash the victims. It was caught a the shop's CCTV camera and the shop owner's children was there.

Robbers also on motorcycles waiting outside people's homes waiting for them to open their house gates to park their cars. They jam open the gate and rob you on the spot. Cut your bag of its leash or handle and ride off.

We also have the Acid Man who rides on his nice motorcycle while holding his plastic bottle filled with acid. Previously he used to target pretty beautiful handsome people (SERIOUSLY !) and then suddenly it became random targets. People's faces were literally melted by the acid.

Do i seriously need to emphasize on how "SAFE" i feel about this?
I used to feel safe coming home alone even when it's late at night. But after my neighbor got robbed in her car OUTSIDE her house by machete wielding guys, GUYS, on a motorbike, I was shaken. And then on Facebook more and more videos were being uploaded of these robbers around ares near where i live, it's absolutely not soothing to watch !!!

I get cautious and i get paranoid and i always look around my car through my windows with my car lights on high beam. I recently adopted two puppies which are now 8 months old but i think they have a strange liking towards strangers............

I was watching these robbery videos a couple of days ago in Facebook and then ironically it happened someone i know today. I was so afraid it would happen to me whenever i come home alone at night but then it happened to my friends instead. They smashed the passenger window and grabbed one of my friend's bag while they were waiting at the traffic light...


I heard my mum talking on the phone with my aunt saying that these robbers are challenging the police force. Well i'm assuming challenge should be accepted since they said we're ranked 19th in the world...

But i seriously have very low expectations for our police force. They have more belly than muscle. They have the government's support. They are slow because of all the teh tarik and mee goreng. They conduct police brutality (Youtube has videos). They are bullies in uniform !! The Acid man incidents have been going on for months and i'm pretty sure he's still FREE just waiting for things to cool down before he starts splashing again.

And most of all screw the Anti-Bribery campaign. My dad's business got bullied by some officers into paying them money more than once. My dad brought his work home and was fixing stuffs outside the house and suddenly this car stopped outside and tah-dah one skinny and one fatty guys in uniforms came knocking and they were the ones who asked for money first. If the government wants to make something work like this stupid ridiculous anti-bribery campaign. IT HAS TO WORK BOTH WAYS !!! What if we civilians don't wanna pay the bribe but the officer insist or he's gonna make some scene out of it? I know there are some good police here but with the way most of these bad policemen are acting, no way we're gonna have confidence in them.

I wish for everyone, whoever you might be unless if you're one of those machete robbers on motorbikes, you can get splashed by acid and suffer to death for all i care, but for everyone else, i hope for your safety and wellness. Take up self-defense classes so you can beat the fucking crap out of these assholes before handing them in.

But seriously if they wanna rob you just let go of your stupid bag and run dumbass. What's a bag full of make-up when you're stabbed to death?

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