Saturday, September 10, 2011

Seriously, Sadly and Damn Thankful

I'm not a fashionable person at all.
Seriously, sadly and damn thankful I'm not.

I mean...
How the hell can people cough up RM79.90 for a T-Shirt ???
Or...or...RM 129.90 for one plain formal shirt???

HOW ???

It's just a woman/man/gay guy's creative idea from the brain to paper to cloths !!!
Colorful cloths pieced together to make this stupid looking clothing !!
Put in the brand's name....
And finally smacking the price tag saying "NEW ARRIVAL - RM79.90" !!!

Call me stingy and cheapskate but the prices are like mad cow diseases in your purse & wallets.
This is why i don't like shopping !!


That's was my ranting for the night...
All of a sudden i feel like changing the layout of my blog...
I'm worried about something but i can't seem put a finger on it...
My dogs are chewing some wires i don't know for what from underneath my car...
And I'm really worried about something but can't seem to know what it is !!!!!!!!!!!!

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