Wednesday, June 16, 2010

YES !!! Breaking Dawn in the process !!!

I officially hate UCSI for the damn noises their making right above the computer lab...
Every 5 minutes it's like

GRRRRRRRR !!!!!!!!!!
BRRRRRRRR !!!!!!!!!!
GRRRRRRRR !!!!!!!!!!

SHUT THE HELL UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok that's the anger and frustration talking.
Since now we know that Breaking Dawn will be split in TWO movies, 2011 & 2012,
The first part will start filming within this year.

The first movie will probably be Human Bella & Jacob's story because those two just make up for half the book.

A lot of Vampire Bella pictures are popping up.
It seems that K.Stew herself can't wait to be one of the Cullens.
But first she's actually looking forward to the naughty scene in Isle Esme.

Now before i go to class,
Here are some eye candy pictures of Taylor Lautner in the July issue of GQ Magazine.

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