Monday, April 30, 2012

Vampires over Werewolves?

*This blog post might be lacking or misinform due to my limited knowledge of films*

As far as i can remember, Vampires used to be ugly looking beings with pale grayish skin, no eyebrows and were always hunching their backs. I got this from watching too much 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' and its spin off series, 'Angel'.

In case you're wondering, yes this is David Boreanaz from 'Bones'.
Although the title in Buffy says "vampire slayer", there weren't much vampires being staked. This series dealt with all kinds of monsters and demons and whatever. Angel was a character in Buffy but later he got his own  show so yea. And in the 'Angel' series, well the main character of the series is already a vampire so what's more to say? I remember this short scene from the show a very long time ago where Angel tells the professor Giles that he loves Buffy but then the professor tells Angel that Buffy just wants to stake him. Haha~

And then there's True Blood, its mature contents is so not for the pure minded.
Unlike other shows where vampires live in urban areas, True Blood takes place in a countryside town and they have red necks, cowboy hats and boots, country accents and country vampires. This is the first vampire series that has fairies in it. I was like 'WTF? What next?'

I stumbled upon this series, Being Human, and i just finished watching its two seasons. 
Being Human has two versions, North American version and British version about a Ghost, Werewolf and a Vampire living under one roof as roommates. 
Honestly I didn't enjoy this series much because, Aiden the vampire always look like he wants to cry when he's with other vampires. He has an evil face but when he soften up he looks like he's on the verge of a mental meltdown. And the vampires in this series feeds very messily. I was grossed out.

And my current personal favorite series, The Vampire Diaries from the L. J. Smith books.
If Damon was ever killed off from the series i think i'll cry because he's the character who makes the viewers squirm for more. Evil-brother-turned-good-but-still-acts-evil-because-its-his-image-and-secretly-loves-his brother's-girl-but-in-the-end-still-gets-brother's-girl-to-fall-for-him-anyway-with-his-evil-charm. Too long? Did you watch Damon and Elena's passionate kiss kiss scene in episode 19? No? Opps spoiler~
Sometimes i just wish Elena just gets turned into a vampire, by accident.

And out of all the vampire shows I've watched, most of protagonist vampires are cutting back their human blood diet and taking on bunny blood because they've been bad for the past 100 years and want to change themselves. "OFF WITH THEIR HEADS" is what i would say. I wanna see some real vampire action actually biting into someone's neck and not feeling bad about it and ends up self destructing.

Seriously, Kristen Steward's acting is too STIFF !!! She gets fidgety and mumbles too much. It's like she's high on drugs, she holds herself too much and when there's eye contact she gives off a very WEIRD vibe!!!
She ruined my image and expectations of Twilight when i read the books. I am only going to watch Snow White and the Huntsman for Charlize Theron and Chris Hemsworth, NOT for Kristen Steward. Urghhh and there's still Breaking Dawn part two...

I'm sorry, i was supposed to talk about vampires but my frustration got the better of me. There's not much to say actually, bad vampires are always the best.

Do you notice the vampire dominance in all these series and movies? There are more vampires as the primary character in shows than werewolves who are always secondary.
*Interview with the Vampire doesn't have werewolves, they have Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise and little Kristin Dunst*

So far this is the only werewolf movie that i can remember and this was released in 2010.

 Have you ever watched Teen Wolf? 
The old version was made a movie in 1985 and then remade into a series later in 2011.
Notice how werewolves used to be hairy everywhere. Well i think whoever wanted to remake the show realized how unattractive it made their wolf looked and decided to cut down on some extra fur.

The series is only 13 episodes and the action scenes looked kinda fake and lame, the plot for the bad guys was even worse. The bad alpha male werewolf, UGLY FAKE FURRY MUTT... yea i was disappointed because this is the ONLY modern day werewolf series i could find *Sorry, not a fan of old films*. Besides the bad action scenes and weird looking bad alpha male wolf, everything else is fine. There's romance, typical. Then there's obstacle in romance, typical. Then there's happy ending after getting over the obstacle in the romance, typical.

And the protagonist, Tyler Posey, he was that little kid from the movie 'Maid in Manhattan' with Jennifer Lopez in 2002.

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