Saturday, July 16, 2011


I haven't been feeling the enthusiasm or excitement to blog lately.
Even now there's not much for me to say here.
Let's see what happened since the last time i blogged.

  I unintentionally pissed my damn gay lecturer with tiny deflated balls. He got me back by grouping me with a very bitchy international student with a controlling complex for an assignment. Fine bitch! I showed him i can work with that controlling freak and get through the assignment. No wonder all my seniors said all juniors always likes him at the beginning but when they become seniors they all end up hating him. My seniors were damn right about it ! Can't blame us for hating him if he's that "siu hei".

  I know i've blogged about considering the feelings of an outsider joining your group of friends for an assignment, that still applies if that outsider actually tries to contribute, isn't late for meetings, doesn't play with her handphone during discussions, doesn't pick the easiest job for an assignment and complain about how hard it is to write a one page introduction and conclusion !!!
  There's this infamous free loader in UCSI among my batch of students. Do you know how many cheerful faces changed to pitiful faces once my friends and i mentioned that we're a group with that free loader? They changed so fast even Superman's super-speed would seem like slow motion. That bitch free loads in every group assignment so please tell me what's the point of coming to study if you just leech on other people's work?
  My group got stuck with that bitch because our lecturer grouped us according to our ID number. We had a chance to swap members but that bitch refused to be swapped and NOBODY WANTED TO SWAP FOR HER !!! SERIOUSLY !!! She's always an hour late for discussion, and the only contribution she gives is agreeing to everything we discuss. She's only doing a one page introduction and conclusion and she dares to complain what's taking so long for each of our 20 pages parts to be done. THE FUCKING NERVE !!! I couldn't stand being near her after that. I hope she FAILS  BECAUSE SHE DAMN WELL DESERVES IT !!!

  My Seminar class had to organize an event relating to the 1Malaysia theme thingy. We didn't have a choice because our lecturer gave it to us. We paid RM2,500 for this one subject that requires us to organize an event by ourselves, without any money, our lecturer just checks up on our progress once a month and that's it. We paid RM2,500 for this.
  It sucks that we have to pay for this subject but during the event day it was unforgettable. We planned a two day event; a multiracial food fair ranging from local Malay, Chinese & Indian food/snacks to international Indonesian, Vietnamese & African food/snacks and a stage play about unity. The stage play was hilarious because even though the topic was about unity, but the script was more comedic then seriousness and that was why to was a success. Everyone in Seminar was amazing and it was kinda sad when our stage play ended because it marked the end of our show. I won't forget being part of something this cool.

1 comment:

Mei G. said...

LOL-ed at "They changed so fast even Superman's super-speed would seem like slow motion."... xD