Friday, April 9, 2010

Definition of "Sing K"

If someone asked me to "sing k" 5 years ago...
I'll be thinking:
What the hell??
Sing k??
Apa tu??

I soon found out that "k" stood for "karaoke".
It literally means to sing however you want.
You have your own personal room, choose any songs and blast it till your voice rips.

My first singing k experience was in 2005 at Neway.
I personally despise singing in front of people.
For 5 whole years I've never liked it.
I don't even sing in front of family.

During primary school our music teacher would test us by making us sing in front of the class.
One By One.
I remembered in std 2 or 3 i cried because i didn't wanna sing in front of the class.
Thinking back it was kinda embarrassing.
But occasionally some friends would drag me to accompany them.
I've heard my share of ghost stories especially in Neway.
That's actually one of the reasons i don't like it there.
I don't have a singing voice.
There were times i blamed the microphone for making me sound like a kid. ^^

But the real main reason was because all my friend only sang Chinese song.
They do sing English songs but it'll always feel weird.
I gave up on Chinese language a very long time ago.
I stopped listening to Chinese songs when i realized i wasn't listening for myself.

I think i'll never be comfortable sing k


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